Webinar #onlinetogether - The perspective of Timisoara students on online education
#onlinetogether #impreunaonline
In these times of lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, just like in other countries, face-to-face educational functions and activities are being moved online, using apps, platforms and various tools for distance education.
Many of us are struggling with the adjustment to working and teaching online, especially those who have always taught in a traditional classroom and are now being asked to rapidly regroup and prepare for a longer period of educational “social distancing” .
Within the webinar Online Together: The perspective of Timisoara students on online education, the students' representatives spoke about their experiences regarding the transition of education online. 150 participants watched the students' presentation, shared their experience in the comments, and asked dozens of questions about online education.
Although some have encountered some problems in adapting, the presenters' conclusion was that most students received online education openly and what mattered most was the support and involvement of teachers in the educational process. They also claimed that certain educational activities were even easier online and this period can add some value - the use of technology in education in the future.
"Opportunity. Development. Pragmatism. Novelty." - were the main words used by the students to describe their experience related to education lately.
Andrea Medrea, Politehnica University of Timișoara
Alexandra Ferencz, Banat's University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Mihai I of Romania” from Timisoara
Alexandru Iliescu, Politehnica University of Timișoara
Bogdan Giurgiu, Victor Babeş University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timişoara
Dr.eng. Diana Andone, Politehnica University of Timișoara
Couldn't attend the webinar?
Watch the live stream on YouTube, by clicking on the video below:
Online Together webinars are organized in collaboration with IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association and the Politehnica University of Timișoara.


Andrea Medrea, Politehnica University of Timisoara
Andrea Medrea is a 3rd year student at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies, specializing in Telecommunications Technologies and Systems, within UPT. She is also President of the League of Students of the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications (LSFETc), where she discovered her passion for student representation. She believes that working in an organization is an important factor in personal development. As he represents students at both faculty and university level, she likes to advocate for higher quality education.

Ferencz Alexandra, Banat's University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Mihai I of Romania” from Timisoara
Ferencz Alexandra is a first year master student at the Faculty of Bioengineering of Animal Resources within the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine "King Mihai I of Romania in Timișoara. She is also a volunteer student, with an active presence in the University Students' League.

Alexandru Constantin Iliescu, Politehnica University of Timișoara
Alexandru Constantin ILIESCU is a student at the Politehnica University of Timișoara, at the Faculty of Automatics and Computers. He is currently the student representative on the Board of Directors and the president of the Students' League of the Faculty of Automation and Computers (AC League).

Bogdan Giurgiu - "Victor Babeș" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timișoara
Bogdan is a fifth year student at the "Victor Babeș" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timișoara - General Medicine specialization. During 2017-2019 he worked as a volunteer in the V.A.D.A. program, as a tutor in the discipline of Anatomy and Embryology - supporting practical work with students of first and second year. He is the head of his series with administrative-organizational activities within the series of which he is part. He also deals with ensuring communication between students and teachers. He was awarded with the Diploma of Excellence from UMF Timișoara for his activity as a student (December 11, 2018). His areas of interest are General Surgery, Urology, Oncology Surgery, Oncology and Pulmonology.

Breha Adrian - West University of Timisoara
Breha Adrian is President of the Students' Organization of the West University of Timișoara, being a student at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Philosophy and Communication Sciences in the Digital Media undergraduate study program. Currently, he represents the interests of the students in the Faculty Council and in the UVT Senate.

Dr. Diana Andone
Dr. Diana Andone (@ diando70) is the director of the eLearning Center of Politehnica University of Timișoara, with responsibilities in the planning and implementation of distance learning and the integration of the use of online educational technologies for all forms of education, through the UPT Virtual Campus - CVUPT . Dr. Andone is a lecturer in multimedia and web technologies, with an intense research activity at international level through various projects with European funding and multiple publications (with over 17 books, 80 scientific papers, 11 Best paper Awards). Passionate about the use of technologies in everyday life, Diana promotes the use of open resources OER and MOOCs, developing UniCampus - online courses in Romania. Dr. Andone is strongly involved in the activity of the scientific community through various management functions of international associations EDEN (Vice-president), IEEE Romania, IEEE CS TCLT, but also by supporting the activity of the regional community of start-up and innovation, cultural and social responsibility.